Those who live in the Bend, OR area are already well aware of just how important their safety is. Your home should be your castle, and you should always feel safe while there and know that it’s safe without you at home. But even if you already...
It’s a sad fact, but seniors are one of the most vulnerable populations to crime in Bend. Criminals see seniors as easy targets not only because of their physical limitations, but because they’ve built a lifetime of valuable items....
Although most of the statistics show that property crimes are on the decline, there are still a lot of the episodes taking place, even right here in Bend. So, sure, the figures might be moving in the downward direction, but that does not mean Bend...
Home security should be a priority for everyone in Bend, OR, but elderly homeowners are more vulnerable when it comes to break-ins and other kinds of attacks at home. They are often seen as easy prey and an easy target for many burglars. For this...
Every residence in Bend, OR comes with a few basic security protections. However, for the most part they don’t go much farther than a deadbolt on the front door, a lock on the back door, and latches for all the openable windows. These features...
Home security has transformed over the past decade or so. Old systems used to require extensive rewiring in Bend, OR homes so all the sensors and cameras could get the power they needed, and even then most systems only offered contact sensors...
While it may still be summer in Bend, OR, you will quickly notice the days getting shorter and the nights growing chillier throughout the region. The end of summer is the beginning of the cool season transitional period, and it is the perfect time...
Every home comes with a few basic security features. A deadbolt on the door, latches on the windows, smoke detectors, and so on. However, many homeowners in Bend, OR aren’t satisfied with these simple features and choose to upgrade their...
When it’s time to install a security system in your Bend home, the process can be easier if you prepare a few things. This will help make sure that installation runs smoothly and you get all the features you need. Here are five things every...
Just because you are renting a home, townhouse, or apartment in Bend, does not mean you are not in danger of becoming a victim of theft. In fact, thieves often target apartment complexes more frequently than houses. A good rule of thumb no matter...
The time has finally come. Your child has asked you if they can home after school instead of going to daycare. Only you can determine if your child is mature enough to handle this responsibility. However, if you do feel the time has come, there are...
Your Bend, OR home is probably one of your biggest investments. It is also where you and your family live. Basically, it protects you, your family, and your other assets. It is just fitting that you also do everything in your power to keep your home...
Technology has evolved in many ways over the years. Nowadays, we are faced with complicated technological advancements and products. In many ways, these advancements offer benefits. For one, manufacturing technologies have made some products and...
Some people think that having a home security system is an unnecessary expense. Given that the FBI has reported a continuous decline in the number of crimes, including property crimes, some may think that this belief is reasonable. However, the...
Creating a safe home is something that most Bend, OR home owners are concerned with to some extent. Afterall, your home should be you and your family’s safe haven after a long day. It’s where you store all of your belongings, it’s...
Whether you’re the owner of a business or residential property in Bend, OR, liability is something to be concerned with. In the winter months, fraud is rampant in the United States, as those who wish to take advantage see plenty of opportunity...
When someone buys or upgrades their home security system, the number one thing they usually think about is stopping thieves. Security systems are definitely good at deterring and catching burglars and robbers, but an integrated system can also watch...
Perhaps you feel as though you live in a neighborhood you don’t need to worry about, and you’ve never had a problem in Bend, OR. The truth of the matter is that there is no home safe from the potential for home invasion in the United...
Porch pirating has become a major issue as online shopping has grown to be commonplace in the last decade. A massive 11 million homeowners all across the United States admit to having at least 1 package stolen from their homes in the last year, some...
Bend homeowners choose to sell their properties for lots of different reasons. For instance, perhaps the person obtained a new position with a company on the other side of the country. As such, they have to relocate to fulfill their obligations....
As a parent, you want to feel safe and secure when you drop your child off at daycare. You don't want to feel any apprehension when leaving them, so you want to make sure that the daycare you use is up to date on their security measures and are able...
With the internet, teens these days are more connected to the outside world and with this connection also comes the risks that are associated with the internet and social media. Many of these risks ultimately threaten the safety and security of your...
Many people over the age of 65 choose to stay in their current home and community as they age. This is commonly known as aging in place. Many baby boomers want to remain independent and crave competition and physical activity. These seniors also...
Do you know how easy it can be to break into a home’s garage? For those who have attached garages on their home, this could mean it’s that much easier to enter the main house as well. It only takes approximately a handful of seconds and...
More and more people are turning to DIY projects when it comes to improving their home security. It is an alternative that often proves to be a more affordable and convenient option for many homeowners. However, before you decide to go this route,...
There are already several ways you can improve the value of your Bend home. From hardwood flooring to an updated kitchen and bathroom, you can make a few changes and successfully increase the worth of the home. Were you aware there are also a few...
Many parents in Bend, OR are still at work when their kids get home from school. This can cause concern for their safety, as most home break-ins occur during daylight hours. Though you may not be able to be home when they get there, you can teach...
More and more people are installing security cameras at their front doors these days to improve the security and protection of their Bend home. Not only does it go a long way in securing the property, it is also a convenient solution to use. Below,...
One of the best things you can do for your business is investing in a security system. Back in 2017, businesses actually accounted for a third of all burglaries that took place according to the FBI. This goes to show you just how important and...
Did you know that the majority of burglars take one to eight minutes to enter your home and most go through the front door? Scary, isn’t it? So it stands to reason that one of the places that should be the most secure in your home would be the...
You may be thinking you have little of value for a burglar to choose your Bend home to invade. However, the average burglar can get into your house in under three minutes and you might be surprised at what is on their wish list. Here are the six...
A lot can happen to your home in Bend, OR while you’re away. Burglary is an obvious problem, but you can also face issues like leaky toilets, thieves who steal packages that arrive while you’re away, doors left ajar that let in...
Every day in the OR, homes get invaded at the rate of every 11 seconds. Chances are, if you are not careful and aware, your Bend home could become one of those statistics. There is nothing more violating that the thought that someone strange has...
Over one-third of OR residents have been victims of package theft. With the holiday season, these thefts are expected to increase. So now is the time to think about protecting your packages from criminals. Here are some things you can do to make...
With break-ins being a problem in this country, it is important that we do what we can to protect our home and our family. To do this, we need to have the right surveillance system and cameras in place to deter criminals and protect our property....
When it comes to digital security, most of us lack the knowledge to prevent the possibility of some serious issues, such as loss of privacy, identity theft, and fraud. We are so careful with our computers due to the amount of information they hold....
It is not uncommon for the bright lights of the big city to call daughters. Often, they are cooped up in a small to medium-sized town, and all they want is to chase their dreams in a metropolis. These densely populated areas are great to live, work,...
Technology has become better and better over the years. That has been excellent news for Bend consumers and the security industry. For example, in the past, homeowners were stuck with analog cameras. These units didn't always provide the best...
October is National Fire Safety Month, which means it is right around the corner. Therefore, the time is right to start making sure your Bend house and household is prepared for one of the emergency situations. Flames and smoke can do a number on a...
Even when Bend kiddos grow up and move out of their parents' home, the guardians still feel as if they need to protect them. After all, parenthood is a lifelong thing. It doesn't stop just because the child turns 18 or 21 and rents an...
Most apartment buildings and apartment complexes in Bend, OR have some amount of security built in. They may have an entrance a resident has to buzz to let a guest in, they may have grounds with limited entrances, and they may have security...
When you buy or upgrade your home’s security system, you have a lot of options you can choose from. Cameras come in all different brands and designs with plenty of quality and feature options, electronic locks can use keycards or...
Whether you are at your Bend home relaxing with your family or at work knocking out a project, your safety is the highest priority. No matter where you spend your time, there are a few things you can do to ensure that your spaces are always safe....
The time comes in every parent’s life when their children move out of the home. This can be pretty scary because you want to ensure they’ll be safe in their new home. One of the best things you can do when your children are moving out...
Alarm systems and security cameras do a good job of protecting both the inside and outside of your home. Smoke detectors on the inside of your Bend home are also another way you can raise the safety and protection of your home for the family in...
Home security is important for families with children for a variety of different reasons. Today, we will go over a few of those reasons and explain why your children should have access to a wireless home security system. Social Media Social media...
As we grow and become adults and finally move out of the home to be on our own, it isn't just hard on the ones doing the growing up and moving; it is always going to be especially hard on our mothers as well. Mothers are always going to...
Today’s home security systems work to keep burglars on the outside, but they also work to keep you informed of what’s happening inside. Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors keep your family safe from harm. Surveillance cameras let you...
A fire can happen in the home at any time and in any room of the home. However, most home fires occur in the kitchen. When this happens, the damage resulting from the fire can be significant because this kind of fire can quickly get out of...
Movies often depict home security disasters like home invasions and often, we find this very entertaining and thrilling. We are on the edge of our seat as the bad guy makes his way into the home, and we yell at the screen trying to warn the...
Have you ever taken the time to notice just how often you see home invasion or burglary in the news? Chances are, in the Bend, OR area, it’s quite a bit. Not only do these homeowners have to deal with the fact that their property is missing or...
Safety and security are topics that people in Bend, OR take extremely seriously these days, and why wouldn't they? There are all sorts of things happening in the world today that leave folks feeling as if they have to keep a lookout over their...
Vandalism presents a difficult and expensive problem for property owners of Bend, OR. While not all vandalism destroys the structure of a property, it is unsightly and sometimes very expensive or stubborn to remove. Luckily, if vandals are striking...
Glass windows and doors have a lot of aesthetic value for properties of Bend, OR. They let light into a space while making rooms appear larger or more spacious. However, these glass structures also present opportunity to vandals and burglars; giving...
Bend citizens, as well as others around the world, spend months and sometimes years planning the ultimate vacation. Some folks plan the big event during the summer months and head out to tropical locations. Meanwhile, others schedule the trip for...
Firstly, let's start off by saying that burglars do not stick to a strict schedule. They do not have typical 9 am to 5 pm jobs, nor do they only work under cover of darkness at night. Whenever an opportunity arises, that is usually when the...
There are all sorts of reasons why Bend homeowners should choose to invest in a security system today. For one, with so much scary stuff happening in the world, cameras, motion-activated lights, an alarm, and more can help the occupants feel safe....
Firstly, let's start by saying that there is no specific date, time, or place that dictates when a burglary or auto theft will occur. In many cases, these incidents are merely crimes of opportunity. So, if the opportunity presents itself...
If you are moving away from home for the first time and you are moving into your very first place, it can be an exciting and challenging experience. You are now an adult and you are off living on your own, but you are unsure about how safe you will...
If you are a frequent traveler, then you spend a good amount of your time away from your home. When this happens, you may be constantly worried about your home and if everything is secure enough until you get back. Well, the good news is there are...
The elderly have become a target for crime, and this has been increasing over the last few years. They are being targeted with various phone scams, fraud, and financial issues. In addition to all this, they are also susceptible to crimes in their...
Before you head out the door with only a lock on your front door to protect your entire home, check out these three home security tips you should follow if you’re going on a vacation soon. Hide Valuables You may have a display for your...
Bend residents shouldn't have to be afraid in their own homes. However, with the way the world is today, folks continually feel as if something bad is going to happen at any time, and rightfully so. Therefore, Bend homeowners must think outside of...
With all these advancements in technology, we are finding more and more risk when it comes to our physical and digital security in Bend. Having the right security in place for commercial real estate properties is becoming more and more critically...
WiFi is everywhere, and in today’s modern world, we’ve become more connected to the internet and each other than ever. We do our Bend,OR banking, our shopping, and our research online from the comfort and convenience of a smartphone, and...
If you’re considering leaving Bend to go on vacation, you should look to protect your home before leaving. Unfortunately, many Bend, OR homes are targeted when residents leave for vacation. Why is this the case? Below, we’ve outlined the...
Unfortunately, burglaries happen quite often in modern society, even right here in Bend. According to a report published by Jacksonville State University, more than 2.2 million burglaries happen each year in the United States. In other words, that...
For Bend, OR residents, protecting their home is incredibly important. Your property is your biggest investment and also your refuge from the world. As such, keeping it safe is a must. And for many, there are plenty of easy steps that are taken...
Burglary is such a common crime in the U.S. that one occurs about every 15 seconds. Understanding about burglary can help you take the right steps to protect your home and family, but how much do you really know about them? Here are five things that...
Heading out for vacation is part of almost everyone’s life, and Bend residents need that downtime to enjoy the world, refresh their minds and bodies, and more. But is it really possible to truly enjoy your vacation if you’re worried...
Burglary tends to be rare outside of certain neighborhoods, and because of that many homes will never suffer a burglary once. However, no home is completely safe from burglary, and so it’s important to avoid tempting potential robbers...
If you are looking for some additional funds to supplement your income in Bend, OR and you have a vacant property, then you might have already considered the benefits of using your property as an Airbnb for travelers. Travelers are always looking...
Whether it’s in your car, in a shopping mall, or in a home, alarms sometimes go off when they’re not expected. Most times, the alarms amount to very little. But it can still cause panic as drivers fumble for their keys, and homeowners...
The world appears to have become a dangerous place today. Criminals seem to be lurking in the shadows everywhere waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Often, things happen when Bend kiddos are away from home. For instance, news outlets and...
People that live in condos in Bend, OR generally believe that they are safer from crime than someone that lives in a detached home in a typical neighborhood. From a certain perspective, this is true. If you live on one of the higher floors of a...
If you’ve had a home security system installed in your Bend, OR home within the last 10 years, you may feel as though you’ve done all you can do to secure your space, and now your job is done. However, as technology advances so do...
Most people like to believe that their homes are in safe neighborhoods where there is zero chance of a break-in occurring. However, this type of thinking can wind up getting them in trouble. Failing to take the proper preventative measures can lead...
Choosing a home alarm system in Bend, OR can be overwhelming. A simple Google search for “home alarm systems” will bring millions of results. Digging a little deeper, you’ll find there are a ton of options. The best way to choose a...
When people aren’t at their home, it’s difficult for them to relax without knowing for sure that their property is protected. And in addition to personal property is the fact that many Bend homeowners own pets as well. And when you...
A lot of burglars are desperate and opportunistic. They spot someone leaving a house, they take a risk and smash a window to get in, and they grab whatever looks valuable before running as fast as they can. However, other burglars in...
According to the American Bureau of Justice, right around 3.7 million homes get burglarized in the United States each year. In most cases, criminals make their way into a home using the front door. Knowing that breaking into a window or sneaking...
Those who live in a Bend, OR condo often feel as though they’re safe and protected from harm. After all, most condos have some kind of security measures in place such as cameras and even a guard. But the fact is that you may actually need a...
Have you ever laid on a golden beach under a sapphire sky on a holiday of a lifetime, sweating with fear that thieves may be breaking into your property back in Bend, OR? If so, you're not the first. After all, even if you litter your home with...
Anytime you are making a decision to install a new or upgrade a security camera system in Bend, OR; you should only opt for a high-quality, secure and functioning system. Hardly can you run out of options if you are out to purchase security camera...
Moving to a new place in Bend, OR is not easy. It demands more research and effort to make the process hassle-free and less time-consuming. More importantly, you need to do the research in advance to avoid last minute hassles. Are you looking some...
A home security system is the ultimate way to protect your family in Bend, OR. A good security system acts as a deterrent to keep criminals away. A security system will notify you and the police if there are intruders. Finally, it can help the...
Your home in Bend, OR is your castle, but the sad reality is that sometimes it may not be as secure as it should be. As such, investing in good, reliable security systems is important for homeowners in Bend, OR. And when it comes to creating a good...
Few things are as important to homeowners as making sure that you and your family are protected. Installing a good, reliable home security system is one of the best ways to make sure that your investment and your loved ones are safe. A home security...
You have moved and are currently in the process of selling your old home. You think it is safe because it is empty, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Just because the home is empty, it doesn’t mean that it is safe and immune...
They say that a person’s Bend home is his or her castle, and one of the things that comes with the impression of any castle is safety. A home is a refuge, a place for Bend, OR families to live out their lives in security. People expect that no...
There exist many compelling reasons why you might want to install a surveillance system for your business or home in Bend, OR. Our homes are the castles that we feel comfortable and safe in. However, if our homes have to remain the castles we know,...
Having a home monitoring system in Bend, OR is the best thing that you can do for your family and property. This is a security system that will ensure your family a 24/7 protection and at the same time notifying you of any emergency. You can also...
Homeownership in Bend, OR can be so costly and the only way you can safeguard your property against threats such as thefts is by considering installing security camera systems. Security cameras can be modeled to capture all the vital locations of...
Being safe is one of our prime instincts and nothing helps us more than technology. A security camera system completes a home in Bend, OR and makes us feel safe, secure and protected. This may seem like a sophisticated luxury a few decades ago but...
Many people ask when the ideal time for installing a surveillance camera system in their Bend, OR home is - You can do it at any time, it is better to invest in these security systems early enough before it is too late. Statistics on theft and...
At this time of the year, many are planning vacation trips for the spring or summer time. Most Bend, OR homeowners, when planning such trips, end up forgetting some of the important things that are crucial for the safety of our homes. Sometimes, we...
Security cameras play a vital role in your Bend, OR home. They help to deter would-be criminals from breaking into your home. They can also provide convictable evidence that can be used in court. To get the most out of your video surveillance...
Home protection systems in Bend, OR range from a simple deadbolt to an around-the-clock video surveillance system. Not every system comes with home security cameras. Different families have different needs and will make different buying decisions...
The level of security you can enjoy at your home in Bend, OR depends on how you strategically place your security cameras. It is preferable that anybody who is new to a home shouldn't even have an idea that a security camera system is present there....
With the level of crime in Bend, OR increasing every single day, it is very important to buy the best security cameras for protecting your home. A good home surveillance system will ensure that your home, as well as your family, is well protected...
The security of a home in Bend, OR is vital in any residential property. In some cases, installation of the home security system can save you money concerning insurance premiums. There are several devices in the market you can employ to achieve...
People take into consideration the security of a property in Bend, OR before buying. People will like to know security features, size, location and square footage of the assets before they can start discussing the cost. The type of security system...
Video surveillance systems are the first step to protecting your Bend, OR home, your property and your loved ones. The best home security systems are those that can provide a continuous watch on your property all day. But how does one choose among...
If you are looking to improve the security of your Bend home, putting an effective surveillance system in place is an ideal way to do so. Security cameras help to increase the chances of catching intruders and should, therefore, be a key component...
Do you live in an unsafe neighborhood? Are you constantly worried about the security of your home and family? Do you want to take steps to ensure that your home in Bend OR is as safe as it can be? If the answer to all these questions is a big yes...
Every parent in Bend OR wants to raise a child that is independent and self-motivated. At the same time, every parent wants to constantly ensure that their child is safe and comfortable. One common struggle that parents have with each of these...
The holiday season is supposed to be the happiest time of the year. However, something that many in Bend, OR do not realize is that it is not always so for everyone. During the winter holiday season, numerous house fires tend to happen, with around...
The holiday season is just beginning and for many of us that means travel. With our loved ones living outside of OR, we’ll have to leave our Bend homes to join the family dinner table. We can all get a little caught up in the rush of the...
Home security technologies are getting advanced with every passing day. Home security is a big business in today's world. About 2 million homes are burglarized each year in the United States, according to statistics from the FBI. Homes without a...
According to a recent study, approximately 78 percent of burglars use Twitter, Foursquare and Facebook to identify properties with absent homeowners. This includes people that use location-enabled status updates or pictures to identify when they are...
You can never guarantee safety by living in a quiet community and having the nicest neighborhood in Bend, OR. Burglary can happen in the most unexpected time and place. No one knows when an intruder attack will happen and no one knows who will be...
Health experts are telling people to avoid family gatherings for the holidays this year because of surges in COVID-19 cases and deaths. States are breaking records as of late, so folks might find it in their best interest to heed the...
Our world today is full of threats and dangers and we can only do so much to protect ourselves and our families as well as make sure that our precious belongings are secure at all times. Good thing advances in technology have allowed us to come up...
Wireless internet CCTV cameras are more than just CCTV cameras. Unlike their old analogue predecessors, these cameras allow you to see your property in Bend, OR from anywhere, over the internet. More than this, they can be used to alert...
Wireless internet CCTV, also known as IP CCTV, communicates through your broadband line and onwards to the internet. This can cause problems if your home broadband has a dynamic IP address because when you want to connect to your cameras from...
Securing your property is one of the growing domestic issues in Bend, OR today. Some research suggests that at least one home is broken into every minute. Therefore, protecting homes and properties has become a priority and the advent of Closed...
It is important to remember that no security system can 100 percent guarantee that you will never experience a break-in. However, having a high-quality system in Bend can prove to be a significant deterrent that keeps burglars from even trying to...
Many Bend homeowners have houses with garages. The units give them places to park their cars and store various belongings. It is not uncommon for tools, lawn equipment, and more to be kept in the structures. Then again, instead of parking their...
Do you work in an office and sometimes have to leave your children home alone in Bend? If so, a home security system can provide you with peace of mind knowing they are safe until you return. Even if you feel that your child is already at the...
Scammers are everywhere these days, some even come right to the doors of our Bend homes. Keeping your family and home safe means being aware of the threats to your security. One scam you need to be aware of is a home security scam. These scammers...
Fall has finally come to OR. For most of us Fall means cooler weather, holidays with the family, and kickoff season. However, for criminals Fall means shorter daylight hours and more opportunities for theft of holiday packages. With the increase in...
When we think about home security, we often spend more time worrying about how we are going to secure the inside of the home. The yard is sometimes a mere afterthought. However, securing your front and backyard in Bend is your first line of defense...
There comes a time in every parent's life when they need to decide when it is safe for them to leave their children home alone in Bend. In doing so, some safeguards need to be in place to ensure that the kids are safe. Today, we will go over some...
Safety has always been important for homeowners, but with more work and time being spent at home, security matters more than ever. One way to have a safer house is to upgrade from the traditional analog lock and key system to a new “smart...
Most renters in Bend, OR live alone. On top of that, many of them do not know their neighbors, which makes them attractive targets for burglars. Living in a house that is not yours with lots of restrictions as to what you can do or modify presents...
More and more homeowners, including those right here in Bend, are choosing to install security cameras. Some folks do so to save some money on their home insurance. After all, many agencies have programs that offer policyholders' discounts once they...
As we adjust to a new normal in our homes and lives amidst the coronavirus pandemic in Bend, we also try to find ways to practice better hygiene and keep germs at bay. Did you know that your home security system is actually a good way to accomplish...
Some states have eased the stay home orders due to the COVID-19 crisis. But some locations in the US are still sticking to the CDC and federal government guidelines to prevent the virus from spreading. This pandemic is going to result in lots of...
As a parent, it is only natural to be constantly worried about your kid’s safety. After all, the majority of parents in Bend cannot be with their kids 24/7. However, thanks to developments in home security, you do not just get to watch your...
67% of families in the United States have at least one pet, and this translates to roughly 85 million households, including those in Bend, OR. Of those pet-owning households, a whopping 95% consider their pets to be part of the family. Just like you...
When considering your home security in Bend, OR, your doors are likely your top priority. It makes sense since most burglars choose to go through the door rather than making a conspicuous entrance in another way. However, for particularly determined...
There have been a lot of changes for residents in Bend, OR, the most recent of which is the unfortunate spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. The change has made many people follow new guidance, like working from home when...
Summer is here, and with more people choosing to stay safe and stay home, we need to follow a few summer safety tips for the home to stay safe and healthy. Did you know that burglaries are likely to increase by up to 11 percent during the summer...
It is more important than ever to do what we can to protect the most vulnerable and at-risk people in OR. To do this, we need to have viable ways to monitor and protect them while still allowing them to live as independently as they can so they...
Bend homeowners work hard to earn the money that they use to pay for their properties, cars, and belongings. The last thing people want is to have their homes broken into while they are away, but unfortunately, sometimes, that is exactly what...
While summer days might be long and bright in Bend, OR during June and July, the same can’t usually be said by August. You will notice that around midway through August, the days start becoming shorter, and they will continue to grow shorter...
Aging in place is something that nearly 90 percent of people over the age of 65 want to do. However, for this to happen, certain safeguards in a Bend home need to be put into place to help prevent any unnecessary accidents from happening. Today, we...
Life has changed a lot for people living in OR thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, but one thing that hasn’t changed is a crime. Assault, violence, and theft occur even when people spend more time at home. This is a big fear for many in Bend, OR,...
As of late, COVID-19 has taken the United States by storm. Bend residents are not immune to symptoms brought on by the novel coronavirus. Although this story is not going away anytime soon, the time has come to discuss various kinds of threats, and...
If you’re about to go on a vacation with the whole family, it’s important to keep your home’s security in mind while you’re away. When you leave your OR house dark and unkempt for a long time, that’s usually when the...
A home security system is a beneficial investment. It helps protect your Bend property from burglary, fire, home intrusions, and other environmental disasters. It also ensures that you and your family are safe all year round. However, some may be...
For many living in Bend, OR, covid led to a renewed emphasis on staying home to remain healthy. But even if you’re always on your property, that doesn’t mean you won’t be targeted for crimes such as burglary. Fortunately,...
While OR companies and employees alike are excited about the shift to remote work, so are cyber attackers. A shift to remote work means employees will operate outside of the protection of the company’s IT security. In a remote work setup, both...
Keeping your Bend house properly secured requires a deep understanding of your property, the people who live there, and all vulnerable points that burglars may attempt to exploit. Entrance points are probably the most notable susceptible areas you...
If you are looking for security cameras or have already bought some, then you are aware of how they can help ensure the safety of your home and your family. Through the years, many homeowners have realized how important it is to have an effective...
When you begin researching home security cameras, you’ll quickly learn there are thousands of options on the market. Each type of home security camera uses different technology, offers unique features, and requires a specific kind of...
Home security systems continuously evolve as time goes by. From simple locks to technology-driven equipment, homeowners now have more options. Finding the best home security system requires you to consider various factors, including your...
There is plenty of good in the modern world, but let's face it; there is plenty of bad too. News outlets, including those right here in Bend, always seem to be covering stories about home invasions that lead to shootings, rapings, and more. The...
Summer is the time of the year where many Bend families find themselves spending more time outdoors than indoors. It is also the time of the year that is often regarded as a home burglary season because many people are out doing activities outdoors...
The world is in turmoil right now with the novel coronavirus doing as it pleases. Some people are venturing out into cities and towns at the moment. Meanwhile, tons of other folks, including many here in Bend, are choosing to remain sheltered in...
A security system is an essential feature every OR property should have these days. Using the technology brought by security systems today will help you stay protected on your property. The thing is, there are many security systems available...
Despite the advancement of technology, false alarms still occur. Finding out that there is no real threat may give you peace of mind, but sometimes, these incidences can have a negative impact on you and your home. They may also affect your security...
Burglary is something that no one wants to experience. However, millions of people fall victim to this crime every year. In the United States alone, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) reported around 1,230,149 burglaries in 2018....
All sorts of people, including those right here in Bend, are remaining cooped up inside their homes right now because of the novel coronavirus that is causing chaos around the world. Of course, with COVID-19 being responsible for 355,575 deaths...
Before people even realize it, the rest of the winter weather will be gone. Spring is fast approaching, and summertime isn't far behind. Once the sunny skies and hot temperatures finally arrive, many, many Bend residents are sure to be headed out on...
Study after study after study reveals that burglaries happen more often in the summertime. Perhaps it is the hot weather that brings out the worst in people. Who knows? But, one thing is for sure, when the summer months hit, nobody's Bend home is...
Surveillance cameras can be useful tools in a workplace setting. Before installing the units, owners should draft clearly defined monitoring policies, which adhere to local Bend laws. It needs to be included in the organization's employee handbook....
Smart homes in Bend are becoming more and more popular among homeowners because of the many benefits as well as the convenience that they offer. However, there is also the issue of vulnerability that has to be addressed when implementing smart home...
Yes, COVID-19 is still running rampant throughout society, but tons of people are electing to take their chances and getting out and about again. Of course, the game can turn into a deadly situation for a Bend person in the blink of an eye, but to...
With the arrival of summer in Bend, OR, things take a change for the lighter and warmer. With more pleasant weather ahead, you may be thinking of taking advantage of the change in seasons, and spending more time with your family, especially if the...
You have done your research, you have spent your free time looking for a Bend apartment that suits your needs, and finally, you found one. No matter how safe the neighborhood is or how upscale the apartment complex is, every renter should consider...
When burglars break into our Bend homes, they often target specific items. These items tend to have one primary thing in common: They have a high value and are generally untraceable on the black market. Understanding what these items are is an...
Many Bend citizens plan getaways in the summertime. Of course, there are still a few months before that time arrives, but it is a good idea for them to start making sure their home will be protected now. A lot goes into planning a vacation. As such,...
Home Security: 3 Effective Deterrents Against Home Intruders In these trying times, it’s almost impossible for any homeowner to completely eliminate the threat of a home invasion. As unsettling as this may sound, this does not mean that...
Burglars carefully pick and choose their preferred targets. They do this to maximize their chances of success. Certain things catch their eye and make a house more tantalizing to them, and these include the observable habits of the people who live...
You’ve worked hard for everything you’ve built, so it’s important to take the safety measures needed to protect it. There are a lot of things you can do to protect your Bend home, but often it is the simple steps that can offer the...
Smart home technology is also referred to as home automation. Smart home systems and devices are designed to keep your Bend home secure, comfortable, and save you money. Smart homes are controlled by a smart home app on your smartphone....
As a homeowner in Bend, OR, you should be aware of what can happen if your home gets broken into. You should also take the steps that are necessary to make sure your home is not a target for theft and is as safe and secure as possible. Below you...
When you work with a professional security company, you will not only receive a home security system. You will also be offered a variety of service packages that include installation, system maintenance, and home security monitoring. Installation...
Home Security Tips For Renters Many people choose to live in single-family homes. But, some opt for apartment living. While it provides many benefits, it also comes with challenges. Apartment Living Deciding where to spend most of your...
We’re in the full swing of spring in Bend, OR, with summer right around the corner. With Memorial Day creeping up, thoughts of summer fun flood the minds of everyone around the area. However, fun isn’t the only consideration to make for...
While residents of Bend, OR are staying indoors, you’re given quite a bit of time to think about your home. You might notice that light switch that needs fixing in the bathroom, how your kitchen faucet seems to drip, or how the back deck is...
All sorts of people are afraid to go on trips for business or pleasure, not because of what one might think, though. They aren't scared of riding in the car, flying in a plane, or riding on a train. Rather, folks fear what might happen to their...
The winter winds might still be blowing in Bend, OR, but this is actually the perfect time to think about spring. When it comes to security, it’s always best to be prepared early, rather than being reacting about what you can do to secure your...
The world we’re living in is getting smarter, and burglars are getting smarter right along with it. For homeowners of Bend, OR this means learning how to outsmart burglars in order to keep your property safe. Luckily, homeowners of Bend, OR...
More people are starting to see the advantages of having a home security system. Not only does it help protect your belongings and property, but it also helps keep your loved ones safe. If you are among those who have foreseen how beneficial it is...
When it comes to security, it is important to do all we can to ensure the right level of protection for our home and family. In many cases, this also means exercising a fair degree of common sense as we look for improved home security...
If you are one of many that have moved to work from home during this pandemic, then security has probably crossed your mind at some point. Working from home in Bend, in most cases, can prove to be a huge transition. It also often involves a lot of...
If you are a busy parent in Bend, OR that needs to work outside of the household or you just need a break, then you want to do everything you can to find reliable, trustworthy, and dependable babysitter for your children. It is important that...
Aging comes with changes that affect the body. Older people tend to move slower. They may also develop eye problems and lose core strength that helps in maintaining balance. Thus, the probability of them getting into accidents like falls and sprains...
While the best defense against burglaries is a well-armed security system, that doesn’t mean there aren’t simpler things you can do to help to keep your home safe. Thinking like a burglar, you can do a few simple and smart things to...
A home is a place where every member of the family has to feel comfortable, welcome, and safe. It has to accommodate the needs of the entire household. Since each person is different, you will have to consider a lot of factors. Age is one of the...
Being a homeowner comes with some advantages and perks. One of them is home security. Owning the property means you have more freedom when it comes to the installation of equipment. However, what many people fail to realize is that it is not only...
If you are a homeowner in Bend or anywhere else in the US, keeping your home safe from burglars is always a top priority. Unfortunately, thieves can strike any time of day—especially when you are away on summer vacation, a business trip, or if...
We understand that installing security cameras is a necessary step to prevent any unwanted disturbance. However, there are general areas that should be free of these devices. It is also important to note that there are specific laws on home...
Home security technologies have advanced significantly in recent years. As a result, security cameras offer a wide range of features that any Bend homeowner can utilize to protect their home. If you are buying a surveillance camera for the first...
With schools out of session for the foreseeable future and stay at home orders in effect across the country due to this pandemic, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find ways to keep the kids entertained at home. Maybe you don't have much...
Many seniors in Bend choose to remain in the comfort of their homes for as long as they possibly can. However, seniors are often the prime target for thieves because they are considered more vulnerable than others. For this reason, you need to make...
A home security system in Bend won't work if you don't take the time to maintain it to make sure it is operating as it should. It is the same concept of making sure you follow proper maintenance procedures for your car. From changing the oil...
If you live and work in Bend, OR one of the things you probably look forward to once or twice a year is a bit of time off to take a well-earned vacation and go someplace new. Whether it’s a new location in the USA or seeing the world by...
If you own a home here in Bend, OR one of the things you hope for is a property that remains safe and undisturbed. A home should be a retreat, your personal space away from the troubles of the world, safe for yourself and your family. Unfortunately,...
Farming is a backbone of the economy in Bend, OR, and a backbone of the economy of the United States. Without farmers, we wouldn’t have the very food we put on our tables, and various industries and businesses rely on farms in order to keep...
A home security system may be one of the best investments a homeowner can have. It ensures the safety of the property you worked hard for and the welfare of your loved ones. However, many people still do not see the importance of this system. The...
Congratulations! You’ve worked hard and finally got the Bend home you’ve always dreamed of owning. Once you’ve signed all the paperwork and have your move-in date, it’s time to make sure to protect your latest investment. The...
When it comes to security cameras, whether it is for your Bend home, small business or mega-corporation you want the camera that will work best for your situation. There are many CCTV cameras to choose from, each for different situations and uses....
Now that Thanksgiving has come and gone, Christmas will be here in two shakes of a lamb's tail. Many people have already started their shopping, but they will likely continue buying more presents up until the big day arrives. Hence, Bend homes have...
During the cold winter months in Bend, OR, your home should be your place of warmth, safety, and coziness. Without proper security, you could be leaving you, your home, and this very feeling at risk. We spend more time at home during the winter...
If you’ve considered investing in home security cameras in Bend, OR, you are certainly not alone. Security cameras for the home have become increasingly popular in the United States in recent years, with homeowners even finding new and unique...
Moving into a new home is an exciting experience, especially when it’s your first home. The year 2020 is slated to be a huge one for first-time homebuyers, including those in the Bend, OR region. There are a lot of things to think about when...
There is just something about hot weather that brings out the worst in people. Many, many, burglaries occur in the summer months and during the daytime. Why? Well, who knows about the temperature, but they usually use the hours between 10 am and 3...
If you are a Bend homeowner with a family, keeping them safe is a number one priority in your life. However, this can be challenging when you are working or away from home. Luckily, there are some things you can do to help keep your family safe...
A doorbell camera can prove to be an excellent tool for Bend homeowners. For starters, the device can be utilized to screen visitors. Opening the front door for just anyone could prove to be a recipe for disaster. Why? Well, the individual might be...
Halloween is right around the corner, and this is the season that the tricks may be just as plentiful as the treats. There are several common Halloween pranks that remain popular over the years including toilet papering the home and trees, egging...
With that telltale fall crispness creeping into the air, it’s just about time for spooky season to start. For haunted house owners, your business should be providing the scares, not experiencing them. Like any business, you’re putting...
It is not uncommon for some burglars to work alone. They act on opportunity and wait for things like unlocked doors or windows to present themselves before making a move. Then again, the thieves also remain on the lookout for open garage doors. Why?...
When we think about home security, most of us focus only on our Bend houses and forget the other buildings on our property like our garages. Garages are a common target for thieves because they contain valuable items like tools, automobiles, and...
As the temps drop, fall brings with it plenty of colorful leaves, comfortable weather, great food, and more. But, as most in the Bend area know, it also brings some security concerns that you’ll need to consider as well. If you’ve never...
With winter here, many of us are eyeing warmer climates for a much needed vacation. However, before you book your flight and pack your sandals, you need to prepare your Bend home for your departure. Criminals watch the patterns of homeowners,...
Keeping a home safe can be a major challenge. Of course, for those in the Bend area it’s still important to do so. Creating a solid security system for your home will ensure that you have peace of mind and that your home and your loved ones...
When it comes to keeping your household safe, independent living can be tough. Having someone to watch your back makes it so much easier to keep yourself safe since you’ve got an extra pair of eyes to spot any brewing trouble and help you...
Protecting your Bend home from unwanted visitors always starts with securing all entry points. When potential entrances are either under surveillance or fortified to prevent break-ins, burglars will be less enthusiastic to try invading your...
Purchasing a home is one of the biggest decisions a Bend person will make in his or her lifetime. It is a substantial investment, but a necessary one. However, the venture can prove to be quite expensive in a lot of ways. For instance, to begin...
Just moved into your new home in Bend, OR? Congratulations! Moving to a new home is always a tough proposition because of all the adjustment that goes into the move. Adjusting to the new neighborhood, the new town and the difference in the amenities...
Summer is finally here with us! That means Bend, OR homeowners are working on their lawn mowers, everyone is living that overhang life again and it's amazing. Perhaps you got into your garage to fetch out your golf clubs for the very first time this...
According to the latest report by security experts, more than 2 million homes in the United States are burglarized each year. This means that in every thirteen minutes there is someone breaking into a home somewhere in the U.S. The best way to avoid...
In part one of this series on linking wireless internet CCTV cameras to burglar alarm systems we outlined the things you will need in order to add internet connectivity and SMS alerts to older home security systems. In part two, we described...
According to recent polls, the top 3 favorite American holidays are Christmas in the number one spot, Thanksgiving at number two, and Halloween rounding out the top three. Each of these holidays presents their own safety and security concerns, but...
With the coronavirus pandemic still surging on, many Bend families have made the tough decision to transition their children from face to face learning to remote learning at home. No matter what, school is going to be very different than what we are...
One of the biggest things that have changed for many people living and working in Bend, OR has been the professional and lifestyle changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. For some, this has resulted in drastic action to...
Over the last several weeks, Bend restaurants have slowly reopened across the states even with COVID-19 still in full force. As restaurant owners determine how to reopen their restaurants and adjust to this new normal, they are also finding more...
While summer might be in full swing in OR, fall will be here before we know it. As we approach these dog days of summer, it’s important to consider the upcoming season and how it presents unique security concerns. If you’ve just secured...
It is still too early to tell, but there are indications that Americans could receive more stimulus payments to combat financial difficulties brought forth by the COVID-19 pandemic. President Trump recently announced that he wants citizens to...
People that work and live here in Bend, OR are facing the same unprecedented challenges as the rest of the country. COVID-19 is running rampant across the nation, and while this is a global pandemic, it is the USA that is the worst-hit country in...
With more and more businesses opening up after stay-at-home orders are lifted around the country, professionals are wondering how they’ll transition back to work while keeping an “as-needed” workspace available at home. As...
Every day in the OR, homes get invaded at the rate of every 11 seconds. Chances are, if you are not careful and aware, your Bend home could become one of those statistics. There is nothing more violating that the thought that someone strange has...
A home is supposed to be a place where people feel safe and secure. Bend owners and their loved ones hang out, sleep, and do all sorts of things at the properties. However, if folks get complacent about home security, they can be in for big...
Some people may think that these new circumstances have to lead to a change in crime rates. To some extent, that’s true, as there are some measurable drops in crime in some sectors. But in other instances, this may be some false reassurance...
Are you considering contracting the services of a security company for your home in Bend, OR? Do you want to protect your home and valuables but don't quite know where to start? Knowing the capabilities of any security company you are considering...